Pat Robertson’s Natural World

Earlier this week I commented on Pat Robertson’s interesting insights about geological phenomena. I’m referring to his comments about the earth quake in Haiti being caused by the Haitians deal with the devil. I joked that Robertson believes that the Dark Lord controls plate tectonics, but another Robertson gaff has shed some life on his literal brand of Christianity. If you can remember back that far, Robertson said that Katrina was God’s redemptive punishment for our secular society’s permissible attitude towards homosexuals. I’ve always thought that most people who believe in Jesus, the Devil, Heaven and Hell and all that jazz believe that these places exist on a spiritual, non-material plane of existence. Not that your soul literally goes up into the sky or down into the furnaces of the inner earth but that it is transported to another spiritual realm. Clearly Robertson takes a more literal interpretation. He seems to reason that Hell is down. Down would be underground. And since Satan Rules hell he must control the interior of the earth. So he controls earthquakes. Heaven is up. Up is towards the sky. So God controls hurricanes. Following this logitc it is funny the devil seems to enjoy messing with LA. For how much hedonism there is in LA it seems like they would be getting way more typhoons or rain storms. Funny too God seems to hate Florida. There always getting hurricanes. I wonder what God has against retirees?

~ by theparkinglotfields on January 18, 2010.

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